Roofing Options

When most people think of a metal roof or aluminum roof they think of the shiny silver roof on top of a barn or an old house that you can hear every drop of rain. As with everything else in this world the leaders in the roofing industry are developing beyond those tin roofs we've heard about in songs and the benefits of these roofs are in abundance. If you're in the market for a new roof or are deciding to build your home there are a lot of options available to you and everyone wants to tell you why they're the best. Most people don't really know what's out there for them. When they think of a roof they think of plywood with asphalt shingles on top, but while composition roofs are great there is much more out there that can add more curb appeal to your home and save you some money. Manufacturers are making metal roof shingles out of aluminum that add more curb appeal to your home than composition, clay or even wood shingles and don't break or ware as eas...